1 Rose of the Cross, thou mystic flower!
I lift my heart to thee;
In ev'ry melancholy hour,
Mary, Mary, remember me,
Mary, Mary, remember me.
2 A wand'rer here through many a wild,
Where few their way can see,--
Bloom with fragrance on thy child,
Mary, Mary remember me.
3 Let me but stand where thou hast stood,
Beside the crimson tree,
And by the water and the blood,
Mary, etc.
4 There let me wash my sinful soul,
And be from sin set free;
Drawn by thy love, by grace made whole,
Mary, etc.
5 Lead me forever to adore
The glorious One in Three;
And whilst I tremble more and more,
Mary, etc.
Source: Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year #51