1 Rejoice, ye saints! Praise ye the Lord!
Praise Him with heart and voice;
He hath redeemed you with His blood,
O praise Him and rejoice!
Rejoice, rejoice
Rejoice in the Lord always;
Rejoice, rejoice,
And again I say rejoice.
2 Rejoice, ye saints! Rejoice! Rejoice!
For Christ hath made you free;
And you can do all things thro’ Him,
For He your strength will be. [Chorus]
3 The peace of God that fills each heart,
Is more than tongue can tell;
he leads us with His own right hand,
And doeth all things well. [Chorus]
4 Rejoice, ye saints! His praises sing!
Again, and yet again;
To God alone the glory be,
Forevermore, Amen! [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #198