1 Rejoice, ye saints in Christ, the Lord,
And praise His name with one accord;
Let every heart rejoice with song,
For thanks and praise to Christ belong.
Rejoice He came our souls to save;
Rejoice He triumphed o’er the grave;
Rejoice for Him who once was slain;
Rejoice for Him who rose again.
2 Rejoice, the Comforter has come;
Within our hearts He makes His home;
He feeds us with divinest food,
Fresh every morn, at eve renewed. [Refrain]
3 Rejoice o’er sin now washed away,
For hope of an eternal day;
For present peace and rest of mind,
For will and heart and life resigned. [Refrain]
4 Lord, keep us ever at Thy feet,
In faith and love, and hope complete;
Saying in all our pathways here,
That Christ, our Lord, is ever near. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13301