1 Rejoice, the Savior reigns!
Rejoice, the Lord is king!
O’er mountains and o’er plains
Let ransomed nature sing:
With holy heart, with tuneful voice,
Let all before the Lord rejoice.
2 The Advent of our Lord
Shall wake our joyful song;
The comfort of His Word
Shall make our courage strong;
With holy heart, with tuneful voice,
Let all before the Lord rejoice.
3 The Lord is near at hand,
Put anxious care away;
He comes to rule His land,
Oh, haste the happy day!
With holy heart, with tuneful voice,
Let all before the Lord rejoice.
4 Then let, O Lord, Thy peace,
Which passeth human mind,
Our faith and hope increase,
Our hearts to Jesus bind:
With holy heart, with tuneful voice,
Let all before the Lord rejoice.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8870