1 Rejoice! The Lord Jehovah reigns
In majesty on high;
The Triune God the praise demands
Of earth and sea and sky.
Join in the loud swelling chorus,
Join in the song victorious!
“Jesus alone reigneth o’er us,
Jesus the King of kings.”
2 The Son who once for us was slain,
Now reigns in majesty;
The glory on the cross he won,
Is his eternally. [Refrain]
3 Rejoice! That he a cross did bear,
His blood for man was shed;
Rejoice that we a cross may bear,
And follow where he led. [Refrain]
4 The Son of God enthroned on high,
The Father’s glory shares,
The Holy Spirit from his throne,
The promised comfort bears. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #113