1 Rejoice, little ones, in the promise divine,
The Savior has willed that His glory be thine;
Then walk in white raiment with Him here below,
The sheep of His fold must be whiter than snow.
Whiter than snow,
Whiter than snow;
Whiter than snow,
Whiter than snow.
2 Look upward to Jesus, He’s mighty to save;
His love like the ocean, oh, sink in its wave;
Here wash in the blood of the Crucified One,
And shout His salvation in heaven begun. [Refrain]
3 Adieu to this world, if you’d follow the Lord,
For none but the pure are received by His word;
Unspotted from sin and made perfect in love,
As pure in this world as in heaven above. [Refrain]
4 We go not to heaven, salvation to know,
But Jesus came down to make whiter than snow;
He’ll wait no death’s coming assistance to lend,
But save you just now, and to worlds without end. [Refrain]
5 Oh, do not dishonor the name of our King
To think that you cannot be free from all sin;
He died to redeem you, His promise is sure,
He’ll wash you and keep you eternally pure. [Refrain]
Source: Timeless Truths #636