1 Redeemed by love! O, hear the story,
Redeemed thro’ Christ, the King of glory!
Thro’ love divine Himself He gave,
A lost and ruined world to save.
Redeemed by love! O, wondrous story!
Redeemed by love! O, glory, glory!
Forevermore, redeemed by love,
Redeemed to reign with Christ above.
2 Redeemed by love! O matchless kindness
That touched my eyes and cured my blindness!
He healed my wounds and made me whole,
He lifts me up, He saves my soul. [Chorus]
3 Redeemed by love! O joy supernal!
To know the Christ is life eternal;
To be by Him each day possessed,
To be redeemed, is peace and rest. [Chorus]
4 Redeemed by love! O, blessed Savior,
Be Thou my hope and guide forever;
Keep Thou each day close by my side
And in my heart each day abide. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 3 #47