1 Rebuke us, Father, but in love;
Let all Thy chastening's mercies prove;
With every stroke Thy grace impart,
And let them move, not break, the heart.
2 Thy hand is heavy, but our sin,
Is heavier still our souls within;
It whelms, it sinks us to the grave;
Arise, Redeemer, help and save!
3 Our hearts are open, LORD, to Thee;
Our inmost wish Thine eye can see;
Thou know our dangers, foes and snares,
And will not scorn our humble prayers.
4 In Thee we hope, on Thee we rest;
O give us what Thou judge is best!
Our guide through every trial past,
O lead us safely home at last!
Source: Psalms of Grace #38d