1 Rally round the standard with the hosts of God;
Sing the praise and glory of our Savior, Christ the Lord;
Angel-hosts are praising round the throne on high;
Earth, rejoice until the echoes reach the vaulted sky.
Rally round the standard, soldiers of the Lord,
Rally round the standard, sing with one accord;
Rally round the standard with the hosts of God;
Sing the praise and glory of our Savior, Christ the Lord.
2 Rally round the standard, march in God’s own light,
Clothed in royal garments, putting off the works of night;
Thro’ our loving Savior, by his endless life,
More than conq’rers we shall be in him who leads the strife. [Chorus]
3 Rally round the standard, hold it to the world,
Keep its folds of radiant beauty evermore unfurled;
Weary not with marching, heed the bugle-call,
Crown our living, loving Savior King and Lord of all. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School Voices, No.2 #100