1 Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
And fight the good fight of faith;
For Jesus is Captain, and you doth He call
To stand in His name till death.
Put on the armor of God,
Fight ye the good fight of faith;
Go forth for Jesus your Lord,
And stand in His name till death.
2 Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
For powers of hell oppose,
And deadly and dark at each unguarded step,
Are lying in wait your foes. [Refrain]
3 Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
And taking His Word in hand,
Be instant and earnest in watching and prayer,
And, having done all, to stand. [Refrain]
4 Put on the whole armor, the armor of God,
And hardness thro’ all endure;
Look up to the prize of your calling so high,
The triumph at last so sure. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11843