1 Purer and purer, dear Lord, I would be,
From all my sin and impurity free,
Cleansed from corruption, from dross, and from stain
Till not a spot or a wrinkle remain.
Enter thou in, cleanse me from sin,
Perfect thy work of redemption in me;
Seal and refine this heart of mine,
Purer and purer in love I would be.
2 Holier, Lord, and from worldliness free,
Bearing the seal of thy grace upon me,
Having thy love in its fulness complete,
This is the blessing I humbly entreat. [Refrain]
3 Pure as the saints in thy presence above,
Stronger in faith and more perfect in love,
Sealed and anointed and happy alway,
This is the blessing I fervently pray. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Matchless Love: for evangelistic services, devotional meetings and Sunday schools #46