1 Pure and warm, O blessed Father!
Tender, true our hearts we bring;
Cleanse us all from secret error,
While to Jesus’ cross we cling.
Pure and warm, and true and trusting,
Lord, we bring our hearts to Thee,
And to Thee we ever pledge them,
Now and through eternity.
2 We are here in life’s glad morning,
While the dewdrops sparkle still;
Gladly we His footsteps follow,
Gladly learn His holy will. [Refrain]
3 Oft we wander from Thee, Father!
Yet again to Thee we turn;
Oh, renew and make us faithful,
While our hearts Love’s incense burn. [Refrain]
4 Make us strong, kind, gracious Master,
Strong to battle for the right;
Strong to aid the weak and erring,
Strong to look to Thee for light. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12767