1 Prophets spoke the coming Jesus,
Angels chanted at his birth,
Children shouted in the temple,
Heav’n had stoop’d to kiss the earth;
Children throng’d him, children prais’d him,
Caught his smiles and touch’d his hand,
Cast their garlands in his pathway,
Welcom’d him thro’ all the land.
Sing his praises, shout Hosanna,
Sing his praises, shout Hosanna,
Let the heavenly arches ring;
Sing his praises, shout Hosanna,
Sing his praises, shout Hosanna,
Songs of love to Jesus sing.
2 Glad was he to see their faces,
Glad to hear their happy songs,
Glad to pour his blessings on them,
Lov’d to have them come in throngs;
Now as then he loves the children,
Loves their singing, loves their praise;
Let us gladden earth and heaven,
By the songs of love we raise. [Refrain]
3 All the gladness of our young hearts,
Richest garlands we can bring,
All we have, or hope or wish for,
At the Savior’s feet we fling.
He who trod the way of sorrow,
He who drank the cup of death,
We shall praise and love and worship,
Praise him with our latest breath. [Refrain]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #8