1 Pressing on with Jesus to a better place,
Singing songs of joy, songs of praise and love;
Making known the wonders of his boundless grace,
Pressing on with Jesus to joys above.
We are pressing on
With the mighty One,
In the blessed footsteps of God’s holy Son;
Sing we of his love
As we homeward move;
In the path of glory we’re pressing on.
2 Pressing on with Jesus whose great love controls;
Minding naught behind, dreading naught before;
While his precious Spirit floods our happy souls,
Pressing on with Jesus to yonder shore. [Chorus]
3 Pressing on with Jesus, trusting him alone,
Marching in his light to our home above,
Where with earth’s redeemed ones, gathered round his throne,
We shall praise forever Redeeming Love. [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school #28