1 Press on in the royal way,
The call of the King obey,
Undaunted and true, our strength we renew,
Trusting in the mighty one;
In paths where His glories shine,
We press to the height divine,
His joys we share, His cross we bear.
And follow on.
Onward, onward, to His service true;
Onward, onward, He will ever strength renew;
Forward, forward, till our vict’ry’s won,
His joy we share, His cross we bear,
And follow on.
2 Press on in the royal way,
His love evermore our stay,
His presence shall guide, His glory abide,
Till our crown of life is won;
We count gain of earth as loss,
We trust in the wondrous cross,
We praise His name, His might proclaim,
And follow on. [Refrain]
3 Press on in the royal way,
For joy shall be ours for aye,
The King on His throne shall welcome His own,
When our earthly race is run;
The light of His changeless love
Shall lead to the land above,
We’ll sing His praise, through all our days,
And follow on. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #20