1 Prepare ye for service, put on the Gospel Armor,
Prepare ye for service, attend your Lord’s command;
Advance to the conflict, nor fear evil forces,
By faith ye shall conquer and possess the land.
Then prepare ye for service, ready and willing
Quickly to answer when Jesus calls;
Then prepare ye for service, his work pursuing,
Rest will be sweet when the twilight falls.
2 Prepare ye for service by daily pray’r and praising,
Prepare ye for service by kneeling at his feet;
In cheerful submission and deep consecration,
Let self be rejected, for his use made meet. [Refrain]
3 Prepare ye for service, be ready at his bidding,
Prepare ye for service, delay not at his calls;
Each day struggle onward, his work gladly doing,
And rest will be sweeter when the twilight falls. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #131