1 Precious words that Jesus said,
When on earth He taught so kindly;
Blest the pure in heart, said He,
For their eyes the Lord shall see.
O the precious words of Jesus
That on earth He so kindly taught;
May we love and hallow every one,
May we prize them as we ought.
2 Blessed they in spirit poor,
For His kingdom they inherit;
Blessed they that mercy show,
Unto them shall mercy flow. [Refrain]
3 Blessed they that follow peace,
They are called God’s faithful children;
Blessed they that sorrow here,
They shall feel His comfort near. [Refrain]
4 Blessed they that hunger now,
And for righteousness are thirsting;
From the loving streams that glide
Shall their souls be satisfied. [Refrain]
Source: The Bright Array #5