1 Precious Saviour, dearest Friend,
While we bend the knee,
Come and give our longing hearts
Deeper love to thee.
Saviour, loving Redeemer,
Saviour, precious to me,
Grant me, I pray thee,
More of thy Spirit,
Drawing me closer,
Closer to thee.
2 Come and consecrate us now,
Seal us ever thine;
May we to thy holy will
Every pow’r resign. [Refrain]
3 Trusting as a little child
Help us, Lord, to be,
While we ask in simple faith
Deeper love to thee. [Refrain]
4 Deeper love, yes, deeper love,
This our constant plea;
Deeper love, yes, deeper love,
Till we’re lost in thee. [Refrain]
Source: Glorious Praise: specially prepared for use in the prayer meeting, the church service, the young people's meetings, the Sunday school, the evangelistic and other religious gatherings #200