1 Preach the gospel of Jesus 'tis God's pow'r unto salvation,
to all who it, believeth and believing it obey;
'Tis the same gospel story just as beautiful and true,
And as quick and full of power as it was when it was new.
'Tis the same old gospel story just as beautiful and true,
Just as full of Jesus' power as it was when it was new.
2 'Tis the same gospel story that was preached to sons of men,
When apostles took the message boldly round condemning sin.
'Tis the same gospel story, seeking still to save the lost,
Telling men to follow Jesus matters not what be the cost. [Refrain]
3 'Tis the same gospel story and derided we may be,
We will preach it we will sing it, o'er the land and on the sea.
'Tis the same gospel story that has followed wicked men,
On the highways and the hedges, and the darkest haunts of sin. [Refrain]
4 'Tis the same gospel story and we will not cease to claim,
Thru His blood, complete redemption sanctified by Jesus name.
'Tis the same gospel story that our fathers loved to tell
And our mothers died obeying, knowing all with them was well. [Refrain]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #136