1 Pray when the days are brightest with gladness,
Open then your heart to Jesus;
Pray, too, in hours of sorrow and sadness,
Open then your heart to Jesus.
Carry ev’ry thing to Jesus;
Who a truer friend could be?
Who more good and kind to thee?
Carry ev’ry thing to Jesus;
Pray and He will answer thee.
2 Pray in the time of failure and weakness;
Open then your heart to Jesus;
Strong in thy trust, submissive in meekness,
Open then your heart to Jesus. [Refrain]
3 Pray when the hopes long cherished are failing,
Open then your heart to Jesus;
Pray when the foe, your faith is assailing,
Open then your heart to Jesus. [Refrain]
4 Pray in the dark for help and for guiding,
Open then your heart to Jesus;
In ev’ry hour be trustful, confiding,
Open then your heart to Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.4 #35