1. Praise ye the Lord; 'tis good to sing
The praises of our God, and King;
Praise is the most delightful theme,
And nothing more becomes our frame.
2. The Lord Jerus'lem doth repair;
And bring his scattered exiles there.
3. He kindly heals the broken heart;
Binds up their wounds, allays their smart.
4. He numbers all the starry flames;
And calls them by their various names.
5. Great is our Lord, of boundless might;
His understanding's infinite.
6. The Lord the meek hath raised,and crowned;
But cast the wicked to the ground.
7. To God your thankful praises sing;
And join the harps melodious string.
8. Who clouds the sky, prepares the rains;
Makes grass to grow on mounts, and plains,
9. His treasures, beasts with food, supply;
And the young ravens, when they cry.
10. He, in the strength, or nimble flight,
Of horse, or man, takes no delight.
11. The Lord takes pleasure in the just;
And those that in his mercy trust.
Second Part
12. Jerusalem, Jehovah, praise;
Sion, thy God, with sacred lays.
13. He, thy gates bars with strength possessed;
In thee thy children he hath blest.
14. He gives thy borders peace most sweet;
And fills thee with the finest wheat.
15. On earth he sends forth his decrees;
His word, like lightning, swiftly flees.
16. Like wool, he clothes the ground, with snows;
His hoary frost, as ashes, throws:
17. Fragments of ice casts from his hand;
And who before his cold can stand?
18. He sendeth forth his high commands,
The glebe is loosened from it's bands;
He bids the warmer breezes blow;
The ice dissolves, the waters flow.
19. His word, and will, by act of grace,
He hath revealed to Jacobs race;
To Israel whom he chose his own,
His laws, and judgments, are made known.
20. There's none of all the nations round,
With him, such favor, e'er have found;
To them, he never did afford,
His judgments. Therefore praise the Lord.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752