1. Praise ye the Lord! on every height
Songs to His glory raise;
Ye angel hosts, ye stars of night,
Join in immortal praise.
2. O heaven of heavens, let praise far swelling
From all thine orbs be sent:
Join in the strains, ye waters, dwelling
Above the firmament.
3. For His the Word which gave you birth,
And majesty and might;
Praise to the Highest from the earth,
And let the deeps unite.
4. O fire and vapor, hail and snow,
Ye servants of His will;
O stormy winds, that only blow
His mandates to fulfill.
5. Mountains and rocks, to Heaven that rise;
Fair cedars of the wood;
Creatures of life that wing the skies,
Or track the plains for food;
6. Judges of nations; kings whose hand
Waves the proud scepter high;
O youths and virgins of the land,
O age and infancy.
7. Praise ye His name, to whom alone
All homage should be given,
Whose glory from the eternal throne
Spreads wide o’er earth and Heaven.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #5708