1. Praise ye the Lord: Oh blissful theme,
To sing the honors of his name!
’Tis pleasure, ’tis divine delight,
And praise is lovely in his sight!
2. Jerusalem the Lord restores;
No more her ruin she deplores;
Again the scattered tribes return,
And Israel’s children cease to mourn.
3. No more their breaking hearts despair;
He binds their wounds with tender care;
His healing hand removes their pain,
And cheerful comfort smiles again.
4. He counts the host of starry flames,
Knows all their natures and their names;
Great is our God! his wondrous pow’r
And boundless wisdom we adore.
5. How gracious is the Lord! how kind!
To raise the meek, dejected mind,
But awful terrors in his frown
Shall cast rebellious sinners down.
6. Sing to the Lord, let praise inspire
The grateful voice, the tuneful lyre;
In strains of joy, proclaim abroad
The endless glories of our God.
7. He veils the sky with treasured show’rs;
On earth the plenteous blessing pours;
The mountains smile in lively green,
And fairer blooms the flow’ry scene.
8. His bounteous hand, great spring of good,
Provides the whole creation food;
He feeds the ravens when they cry;
All nature lives beneath his eye.
9. In nature what can him delight,
Most lovely in its Maker’s sight?
Not active strength his favor moves,
Nor handsome form he best approves.
10. Dear to the Lord, forever dear,
The heart where he implants his fear,
The souls who on his grace rely—
These, these are lovely in his eye.
Source: Hymns and Devotions for Daily Worship #75
First Line: | Praise ye the Lord, O blissful theme |
Title: | Psalm CXLVII |
Author: | Anne Steele |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |