1 Praise ye the LORD, for it is good
To sing unto our God;
'Tis right and pleasant for His saints
To tell His praise abroad
The LORD our God builds up His Church,
He seeks her wandering sons;
He binds their wounds and gently heals
The brokenhearted ones.
2 Our LORD is great, He calls by name
And counts the stars of night;
His wisdom is His might.
The LORD upholds the poor and meek,
He brings the wicked low;
Sing praise to Him and give Him thanks
And all His goodness show.
3 No human might, no earthly pride,
Delights the LORD above;
In them that fear Him He delights,
In them that trust His love.
O Zion, praise the LORD thy God,
His wonderous love confess;
He is thy glory and thy strength,
He will thy children bless.
Source: Psalms of Grace #147a
First Line: | Praise ye the Lord, for it is good To sing unto our God |
Title: | His wondrous love |
Meter: | D |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Scripture References:
st. 1 = Ps. 147:1-3
st. 2 = Ps. 147:4-9
st. 3 = Ps. 147: 10-13
The people of Jerusalem (v. 2) become the "church" (st. 1) in this hymn-like versification of Psalm 147. With minor alterations in each stanza, the versification comes from the 1912 Psalter. See PHH 147 for further commentary on Psalm 147.
Liturgical Use:
See PHH 147.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook, 1988