1 Praise ye the Father who reigns above;
Tell of His mercy, sing of His love;
Loved us so dearly, His Son He gave,
To die on Calv’ry, our lost souls to save.
Praise be to the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost;
Praise be to the Father who saves to the uttermost.
2 Oh, how amazing! Oh, how divine!
Jesus the Savior wills to be mine;
I am His child, I’ll trust and obey,
Walking each moment where He leads the way. [Chorus]
3 God gives His children sweet peace within,
Cleanses the heart and frees from all sin;
Joy everlasting, God has control,
Filling and thrilling our being and soul. [Chorus]
4 Oh, come to Jesus, sinner, today;
Give Him thy heart, O turn not away!
Tell Him thy sorrow, tell Him thy grief;
He will forgive thee and send quick relief. [Chorus]
Source: Gold Tried in the Fire: suitable for church, Sunday school, revival meetings, missionary and rescue work #5