1 Praise ye, praise ye the Lord
in yonder heav'nly height;
ye angels, all his hosts,
in joyful praise unite;
O sun and moon, declare his might,
show forth his praise, ye stars of light.
2 Praise him, ye highest heav'ns,
praise him, ye clouds that roll,
created by his pow'r
and under his control,
ye heav'ns that stand eternally,
established by his firm decree.
3 Ye creatures in the sea
and creatures on the earth,
your mighty Maker praise
and tell his matchless worth;
praise him, ye stormy winds that blow,
ye fire and hail, ye rain and snow.
4 Ye hills and mountains, praise,
each tree and beast and bird;
ye kings and realms of earth,
now let your praise be heard;
by high and low, by young and old,
be all his praise and glory told.
5 By all let God be praised,
for he alone is great;
above the earth and heav'n
he reigns in glorious state;
praise him, ye saints, who know his grace
and ever dwell before his face.
Source: Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #112