1 Praise him! praise him! come and worship
Christ, exalted now above;
Magnify him, King of glory,
Lord of life and love,
Immortal life and love.
Blest Redeemer, Lord eternal,
Praise we now thy pow’r and might;
Throned in heaven’s royal splendor,
King of life and light.
2 Crown him! crown him Christ triumphant!
Heaven’s portals open fly;
Now accepted thro’ his merit,
We shall reign on high,
With Jesus reign on high. [Refrain]
3 Hail him! hail him Victor ever!
Shout his praises now abroad;
World to world his name repeating,
Everlasting God,
Our everlasting God. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #65