1 Praise Him, praise Him,
Blessed and mighty Redeemer,
Christ our Saviour, monarch by angels adored,
Come with gladness, open the gates of the temple,
Praise Him, praise Him, worship and praise the Lord.
Praise Him, praise Him,
Author of our salvation,
Serve Him, serve Him, publish His Name abroad,
Crown Him, crown Him,
Ruler of all Creation,
Praise Him, praise Him
Eternal Lord.
2 Praise Him, praise Him,
Mighty and glorious Saviour,
Give Him honor, anthems exultantly sing,
Meet before Him, gather with hymns of thanksgiving,
Praise Him, praise Him, honor and praise our King. [Refrain]
3 Praise Him, praise Him,
Jesus the mighty Messiah,
Tell of mercy, wisdom and love now proclaim,
Spread the tidings, filling the world with His glory,
Praise Him, praise Him, worship and praise His Name. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #80