1 Praise God the Father, God the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One;
Majestic, holy, awesome He,
Who rules in light and purity;
No other voice can calm the sea,
No other hand make demons flee,
No other love so full and free,
No other name shall bend our knee.
2 To God our king are praises due,
To God our rock, Redeemer true;
With mighty hand and outstretched arm,
He saves His Church from all alarm;
He is a Lord of wondrous deeds,
With finest wheat His people feeds;
When waters part and then come down,
His enemies are nowhere found.
3 With signs and wonders, weal and woe,
He makes the world His power know;
His kingdom spreads: retreats the foe,
While saints to heav’nly mansions go;
Thro’ centuries His plans unfurl,
Unlocking Heaven’s gates of pearl;
To God the Father, Spirit, Son,
Be praise while endless ages run.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8711