1 Praise and honor to the Father
For the fullness of His grace,
Who in Jesus, our Redeemer,
Has revealed His loving face:
Thine this house to bless, O Lord,
With Thine everlasting Word!
2 Praise and honor to the Savior
For the fullness of His love,
Given us in richest measure
When He left His throne above:
Thine this house, O heavn'ly Friend,
Guard and keep it to the end!
3 Praise and honor to the Spirit
For the fullness of His pow'r,
Who renews with wondrous beauty
Heart and mind each day and hour:
Thine this house, O heav'nly Light;
Keep it free from error's night!
4 Praise and honor, strength and glory
Be to God the Father, Son,
And to God the Holy Spirit,
Ever three and ever one:
Thine this house, O Triune Lord,
Now and evermore adored!
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #519