1 Poor weary heart, why sad and lone
When there is waiting for thee One
Who would be All to thee?
He knows thy cares, thy doubts and fears,
He listens to thy sighs, and hears
In deepest sympathy.
2 Oh! Restless, thirsty, hungering one,
When God’s own well-belovèd Son
Came down to Calvary,
He died to save thee from all sin,
That thou might’st joy and rest in Him,
For constant victory.
3 Wilt thou not yield Him all thy heart?
The holding back of any part
Will leave thee weary still.
He sacrificed His All for thee
Thine All it is His wish to be:
Is He to have His Will?
4 Oh! Crown Him King this very day,
Let this great Saviour have His Way
And be thine All in All.
Then strong in Him, go forth to prove
God’s own unutterable Love
Is thine, wahate’er befall.
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #203