1 Poor and despised He came seeking for me,
Bearing my woe and shame my soul to free;
For me He suffered here,
Shed oft the bitter tear,
In love so pure and dear,
How could it be?
2 Down in Gethsemane, there I behold
Jesus in agony, sorrow untold;
Then at the traitors call,
He went to Pilot’s hall,
Bearing the sins of all,
How could it be?
3 See Him ascend the mount, bleeding for me,
Where thro’ the crimson fount, cleansing I see;
For me He left His throne,
For me He did atone,
Dying in shame alone,
How could it be?
4 Then in the tomb He lay, sleeping for me,
Till came the promised day of victory;
He from the grave arose,
He conquer’d all His foes,
Then He in glory rose,
How could it be?
Source: Rodeheaver's Gospel Solos and Duets #155