1 Perfect holiness of spirit,
Saints above,
full of love,
With the Lamb inherit.
2 This inheritance, believer,
Faith alone
makes thy own,
Safe and sure for ever.
3 True, ’twas thine from everlasting,
But the bliss
of it is
Known to thee by tasting.
4 Though thou here receive but little;
Scarce enough
for the proof
Of thy proper title;
5 Urge thy claim through all unfitness;
Sue it out,
spurning doubt;
The Holy Ghost’s thy witness.
6 Cite the will of his own sealing;
Title good,
signed with blood,
Valid and unfailing.
7 When thy title thou discernest,
Humbly then
sue again
For continual earnest
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #484