1 Peace, blessed peace is filling now my soul,
Since He pardon’d all my sin;
Love, perfect love in billows o’er me roll,
Since He cleans’d my heart within.
Peace, perfect peace! Love perfect love!
Sweeping o’er my soul in heav’nly tides!
Rest, perfect rest! Joy, perfect joy!
Is mine since the Holy Ghost abides.
2 Rest, perfect rest now all my nature stills,
Cine His promis’d grace is mine;
Joy, perfect joy my happy spirit thrills,
Since the day I said, “I’m Thine.” [Refrain]
3 Fire, holy fire is burning in my heart,
And the glory rolls in tides;
Pow’r, holy pow’r is filling ev’ry part,
Since the Holy Ghost abides. [Refrain]
4 Light, perfect light shines on this holy way;
Twice He touch’d my blinded eyes;
Sight, perfect sight my vision has today,
Healed by blood that sanctifies. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Full Salvation #66