1 Pass the word along the line,
Tell it friend to friend;
Christ our captain goes before,
Leads us to the end—
He who all the dangers knows,
All the strength of all our foes,
Christ our Lord and Friend.
Forward, then, where Jesus leads!
Full of hope and cheer;
Bear the standard of the cross!
Who shall faint or fear?
2 He who goes where Jesus leads,
Never goes astray;
He who Jesus’ order heeds,
Always gains the day;
He who falters not shall be
Led to glorious victory,
By a glorious way. [Refrain]
3 Pass the word along the line;
Lo! The promised land
Ye shall enter and possess,
By his mighty hand.
Courage then! Ye must not fail,
Strongest foes cannot prevail
Jesus has command. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #35