1 O'er the earth the flowers grow;
Free from toils and care;
'Neath God's sun they bud and blow,
Welcome ev'rywhere;
He who robes the lily white,
Gives the rose its hue,
Is the Lord of life and light,
Who provides for you.
2 While this lovely earth we tread,
He will guide our feet
Thro' youth's fragrant flower bed,
Where the air is sweet;
And if e'er our pathway wind
O'er life's barren wild,
He our Father, faithful kind,
Will protect his child.
3 When at last his angels come
to these earthly bowers,
Plucking for the spirit home
All God's choicest flowers,
May we be among the fair,
Gathered for the King, -
robed in lily-garments there,
Endless praise to sing.
Source: Bright Melodies: for the Sunday school and young people's societies embracing praise hymns, work songs, invitation songs, primary songs, etc., etc. #147