1 Out on an ocean wide we sail,
Homeward bound, homeward bound!
Driven by many a fearsome gale,
We are homeward bound!
Never we’ll fear for wind or wave,
Ever our hearts are true and brave,
Trusting in Christ so strong to save,
We are homeward bound!
Homeward bound, homeward bound!
Over the white rolling foam;
Brightly the harbor lights we see,
While we are homeward bound.
2 Never we’ll shrink, tho’ tempests rage,
Homeward bound, homeward bound!
Safely we’ll reach our anchorage,
We are homeward bound!
Sailing thro’ storm or sunshine bright,
Onward by day or darkest night,
Soon shall we see our harbor light,
We are homeward bound! [Refrain]
3 Soon will the dangers all be past,
Homeward bound, homeward bound!
And we shall reach our port at last,
We are homeward bound!
Then with life’s voyage safely o’er,
Gladly we’ll rest on heav’n’s fair shore,
Dwelling with Christ forevermore,
We are homeward bound! [Refrain]
Source: Songs for All #62