1 Out of the shadow of death and the grave,
Jesus our Savior hath come,
Bright in His glory and mighty to save,
Free from the taint of the tomb!
Robes of humanity, sanctified so,
Worn in His pitying love,
Drop, with their weight of earth weakness and woe—
Jesus ascendeth above.
Victory! victory! let it resound,
Death can no longer enthrall;
Jesus is risen! repeat the glad sound,
Life and salvation for all.
2 Out of the shadow of winter’s long night,
Earth comes in gladness today!
Clad in the garments of springtime and light,
Scattering doubt and dismay.
Beautiful story that never grows old,
Pledge from our conquering Lord,
Earth is redeemed from its darkness and cold;
Easter hath come at His word. [Refrain]
3 Out of the shadow of weakness and fear,
Let us arise, then, today!
Jesus hath called us, our Easter is here!
Why should we doubt and delay?
Here is the path that our conqueror trod,
Bright with His blessings of peace;
These are His blossoms that spring from the sod,
Telling of hope and release. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10182