1 Out into the darkness,
Peals the old church bell,
And I hear it saying,
“Brethren, it is well.”
“It is well, it is well,”
Let the tidings swell,
Over hill and dell,
Like a blessed pray’r,
Out upon the air
Sound the message, “it is well.”
2 If the bell is telling,
Some soul’s fun’ral knell,
Still it says so softly,
“Brethren, it is well.” [Refrain]
3 God knows all our sorrows,
Loves us tenderly,
And this message sends he,
To a comfort be. [Refrain]
4 Some day we shall enter,
Heaven’s citadel,
And we’ll know more clearly,
Wherefore “it is well.” [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.3 #84