1. Our vacation days are o'er,
And from country and from shore
We return with health and strength renew'd today,
Ready for the service sweet,
As in Sunday School we meet;
Come and join us on this happy rally day.
Come, O come, quickly come,
Welcome all to join our ranks today;
You will learn how Jesus, true,
Shed his blood for me and you;
Come and join us, then, this happy rally day.
2. As we meet to learn the way,
Ev'ry holy Sabbath day,
Of eternal life thro' Jesus Christ alone;
May we give up all our sin,
And then others try to win,
For the rally day of saints around the throne. [Chorus]
3. Then we'll thank our Father, dear,
Who has bro't us safely here,
By his grace we'll serve him truly ev'ryday
May this Sunday School, so dear,
Gladly welcome Jesus here,
Ev'ry Sunday, and on this our rally day. [Chorus]
Source: Carols of Hope: a compilation of select sacred songs for use in Sunday schools, praise and young people's services #180