Our times are in Thy hand, and Thou Wilt guide our footsteps, &c. Sir J. Bowring. [Divine guidance.] The first stanza of this hymn reads:--
”Our times are in Thy hand, and Thou
Wilt guide our footsteps at Thy will:
Lord, to Thy purposes we bow:
Do Thou Thy purposes fulfil.”
The hymn appeared in Beard’s Unitarian Collection of Hymns, 1837, No. 27, in 3 stanzas of 4 lines, but is not marked, in common with other hymns by Sir J. Bowring, as “Original.” In the 3rd edition of the uthor’s Matins and Vespers, 1841, p. 229, it was given in an unaltered form. In the American Unitarian Hymns of the Spirit, 1864, it reads “My times are in Thy hand,” &c.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)