1 Our Savior is coming, the saints to reward,
To give them sweet rest from all suffering and care;
And all who obey Him and honor His word,
He will take to that home He’s now gone to prepare.
In that great day, O sinner, can you stand?
Be saved; why longer yet delay?
And when Jesus shall come with the bright angel band,
He’ll receive you in that day.
2 All the saints shall be changed, and the martyrs shall rise,
They shall meet their Redeemer high up in the air;
O how they will shout as they mount up the skies;
In the first resurrection I’m longing to share. [Refrain]
3 But the wicked shall mourn and lament in that day,
And call for the rocks and the mountains to fall,
To hide them away from His presence for aye;
O sinner, great terror thy heart shall appall. [Refrain]
4 Yes, the Savior is coming, and it won’t be long;
O how can you meet Him in that dreadful day?
The righteous shall join in a glad, happy song,
The wicked be filled in that hour with dismay. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14749