1. Our refuge is in God,
In him our strength is found;
He is a very present help,
When dangers us surround.
2. No fears shall us dismay,
The earth's convulsed, and torn;
Though mountains, rent from their fixed roots,
Were to the mid-sea torn;
3. Should storms enrage the deep,
And make the waters roar;
Should swelling billows mountains shake,
That border on the shore.
4. A river's gentle streams,
Are to God's city sent;
Which glads the place, where the Most High
Has fixed his sacred tent.
5. The Lord, in Zion dwells,
She shall unmoved abide;
In fittest season God, for her,
Will speedy help provide.
6. The heathen nations raged,
Kingdoms, in wrath, combine;
But God, in hot resentments, spake.
And melted their design.
7. Jehovah, with his Hosts,
Engages on our side;
Our refuge is in Jacob's God,
In whom we safe abide.
8. Come, see the wondrous works,
Which God, for us hath wrought!
What fearful desolations, he,
Upon the earth, hath brought!
9. Throughout the jarring world,
Wars into peace he turns;
He breaks the bow' and cuts the spear;
In fire the chariot burns.
10. Be still, and know I'm God;
I will exalt my name,
In heathen lands, and through the earth,
I'll be extolled in fame.
11. Jehovah, with his Hosts,
Engages on our side;
And Jacob's God our refuge is,
In whom we safe abide.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752