1. Our land for Christ we sing;
Our hearts to Him we bring,
And trust His Word;
With His dear cross in view,
Each Christian grace renew,
And make endeavor true
For Christ our Lord.
Our land for Christ we gladly sing,
Our hearts to Him, to Him we bring,
And make endeavor firm and true
For Christ, our Lord and King.
2. Our land for Christ we sing;
Away earth’s follies fling,
And seek His love:
Ours be a heav’nly prize,
Unseen by mortal eyes,
In mansions in the skies,
With Him above. [Refrain]
3. Our land for Christ we sing;
Christ, prophet, priest, and king,
Whom saints adore;
Each day some duty done,
Some Christian work begun,
Some soul to Jesus won,
We ask no more. [Refrain]
4. Our land for Christ we sing;
Our all to Him we bring,
With one accord;
Sinners, from sin set free,
His wondrous grace shall see,
And through eternity
Worship the Lord. [Refrain]