1 Our joyful notes we gladly raise
To Him whose name we love;
And in a song of grateful praise
Adore our God above.
Unto the Lord, unto the Lord,
We bring our happy song of grateful praise;
Unto the Lord, gladly we raise,
Our song of grateful praise.
2 His love hath brightened all our way,
His care we humbly own;
And we would yield, this sacred day,
True worship at His throne. [Refrain]
3 No tribute we could ever raise
Were worthy of His grace;
But we may daily seek to live
Approved before His face. [Refrain]
4 Then joyful notes we’ll ever raise,
Obey Him every day;
And, filled with songs of grateful praise,
Trust in His word alway. [Refrain]
Source: The Glad Refrain for the Sunday School: a new collection of songs for worship #117