1 Our glorious Lord is ris'n indeed!
Death, conquer'd, lost its prize;
The grave surrender'd him with speed,
When he assay'd to rise.
2 In vain the soldiers watch his tomb,
When heav'nly forms appear;
The Roman eagle's overcome,
The soldiers die with fear.
3 An angel's form before them stood;
His face like lightning shone;
Commission'd from the Father God,
To roll away the stone.
4 Up rose the Saviour from the dead!
Down all opposers fell:
Satan in chains of triumph led,
Trampling on death and hell.
5 To banish his disciples fears,
He prov'd himself alive,
By all his wounds and bloody scars;
Then did their hearts revive.
6 With them, will we our Lord adore;
For them, and us he di'd:
He lives, he lives, and dies no more!
Hence we are justify'd.
7 Nor is our faith, nor preaching vain;
Nor in our sins are we;
Since Christ, our head, is ris'n again;
And, rising, set us free.
8 Who shall condemn? lo Jesus died,
Yea, rather lives for us;
He with himself hath crucifi'd
Our sins upon the cross.
9 Hail, risen Saviour! thee we hail,
Who, by Almighty pow'r,
Didst over death and hell prevail;
We bless the glorious hour.
10 High on thy father David's throne,
Forever live and reign;
'Till by thine own right hand alone,
Thy ev'ry foe be slain.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CLIX