1 Onward still, like a monarch great, marches our eternal King,
While the song of the ransomed throng makes the hills and valleys ring;
Facing still all the hordes of sin, making men and nations free,
Sure that vict’ry he will win, is Christ of Calvary.
Exalt his holy name, oh, praise him today!
Let glad hosannas to our King be outpoured;
His mighty love shall win
All nations from their sin,
For the Hero of the ages is our Lord.
2 He is making the whole world bright with the glory of his love,
Giving cheer to the sad ones here, bidding nations look above;
Millions honor the holy name of the King by angels crowned,
And the air rings with his fame wherever man is found. [Refrain]
3 Glory be to the son of God thro’ the ages evermore;
Sing, oh, sing to the mighty King, with the angels him adore;
Tell the story of love divine, give it out with gladsome voice;
This your duty is and mine, till all men shall rejoice. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #38