1. Onward, onward, looking unto Jesus,
Casting quickly every weight aside;
While we run the race that’s set before us,
Firm as a rock let our faith abide.
Lo, a cloud of witnesses behold us,
They through faith were victors in the race;
Let us gladly follow their example,
Trusting the Savior for strength and grace.
2. Onward, onward, looking unto Jesus,
Pressing forward, we the race will run;
Claiming ever His divine protection,
We shall not fail till the crown is won. [Refrain]
3. Onward, onward, looking unto Jesus,
Joy awaits us on the other shore;
There we’ll sing the song of our redemption,
Safe, safe at last when the strife is o’er. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #5253