1 Onward, children, onward! Leave the paths of sin;
Hasten to the strait gate, strive to enter in;
None can knock unheeded, none can strive in vain,
For the Savior’s welcome all that seek obtain.
Onward, children, onward! is the call today;
Come with ready footsteps, and that call obey.
2 Onward, children, onward! In the narrow way.
Christ your Lord shall lead you safely day by day;
And with such a leader what have you to fear?
Satan may oppose you, but your king is near. [Refrain]
3 Onward, ever onward! Till you join the throng
Who in dazzling raiment sing the triumph song,
And to heav’nly music cry with one accord,
"Holy! Holy! Holy! Is our sovereign Lord." [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8765