1 Onward, children, do not tarry,
Though the cross be hard to bear;
Strength thou shalt receive from heaven,
If thy courage fail thee here.
Jesus ever waits to guide you,
If thou to thyself be true;
Thy reward will come here-after,
In the land beyond the blue.
There’s a golden harp in glory,
And a spotless robe for you,
When you reach the holy city,
In the land beyond the blue.
2 Onward, children, do not tarry,
There’s a race for all to run,
And a crown will be your portion
When your work on earth is done.
Blessed angel bands are watching
Every act you daily do;
Soon you’ll gain the crown of jewels,
In the land beyond the blue. [Refrain]
3 Nobly work for Jesus ever,
Pierce the clouds which thee surround;
See, the pearly gates are open,
Hear the angel’s welcome sound.
Look not backward, for there’s danger,
Ever keep the throne in view;
Soon we’ll see the shining city
In the land beyond the blue. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #169